Viaro Energy’s corporate governance principles are in line with the NSTA code of conduct.

Our activities are overseen by Viaro Energy’s board of directors and general management team.
Our leadership team has more than six decades of combined executive experience and ensures that the highest principles of corporate governance are enforced within our organization.

We have the following corporate policies and procedures in place, with active employee training occurring:
We expect our employees to behave appropriately in the workplace and conduct themselves in accordance with the principles representative of the organization’s values. This pertains to behaviour towards their colleagues, superiors, and the company’s business partners.
We believe in conducting our activities with integrity and fairness, respect for human rights, social and environmental responsibility, and across-the-board transparency. Our values are reflected in various policies, including Anti-Harassment and Bullying, the Modern-Day Slavery Statement, as well as our environmental and social responsibility initiatives.
We are committed to conducting our operations transparently and fulfilling our tax obligations in an appropriate and timely manner. Our tax strategy can be viewed here.
Our KYC policies ensure that we collaborate with credible business partners whose activities are conducted in line with the relevant legal and regulatory framework.
We are compliant with relevant AML regulations, and our policies and procedures ensure that we employ best risk management practices.
Our operations do not support obtaining business favours through improper payments. We seek business partners that share the same values when it comes to eradicating bribery and corruption.
Our sanctions policy enforces the regulatory restrictions applicable to dealings with certain countries/territories, governments, groups, entities, individuals, goods, or services.
We are committed to supporting the highest industry standards of ensuring the health and safety of our employees and contractors, as well as environmental protection in the workplace, as reflected in our HSSE policy.
Our whistleblowing policy encourages employees to report wrongdoing in the workplace, including unlawful activities and any other violations of the appropriate code of conduct.
Our corporate conduct promotes appropriate equality, diversity, and inclusion standards. We seek to eliminate discrimination based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and national origin, among others.
We have procedures in place for mitigating any issues that result from the diverging interests of our organization as a whole and those of individual employees, which clearly outline each side’s responsibilities in these scenarios.
Our Data Protection and GDPR Privacy Notice ensures that the personal information of our employees, workers, and contractors is collected and used in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. All our information, records, and data are managed in adherence with the defined business, legal, and stakeholder requirements.
Learn More about our ESG Commitments