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UK: Hartshead Resources awards a contract for a Geophysical Pipeline Survey for the Anning and Somerville fields to Gardline

  • A contract for a GeophysicalSurveyof pipeline routes,covering the Anning and Somerville field developmentshas been awarded to Gardline Limitedfollowing a competitive tender and evaluation process.

  • Mobilisation of the Gardline Vessel“Ocean Observer”to the Anning and Somerville field locations is expected to occur duringSeptember2023.

  • In–situ geophysicalinvestigationand laboratory testing of seabed samples taken fromthe preferredexport routes fromthe Anning and Somerville sites will be conducted.

  • The results of the geophysicalsurvey will form a critical component of the Environmental Statement along withadetailedunderstandingof the seabedconditionsto assist in the eventual pipelay

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