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Viaro Energy team attends 2023 World Energy Capital Assembly

The Viaro Energy team was delighted to attend the 2023 World Energy Capital Assembly (WECA).

The annual event is an opportunity for senior executives from the energy industry to come together and discuss the ever-changing investment climate for oil and gas companies and how to access reliable, long-term sources of investment for projects.

Our CEO, Francesco Mazzagatti was part of the Capital Markets Panel at the event. Alongside industry peers, the panel discussion focused on the changing investment climate for oil and gas companies and how to identify long-term providers of reliable capital. Francesco spoke about the evolution of the approach to the energy transition over the past few years, from well-intentioned but unrealistic to a more constructive path that accounts for energy security. The discussion provided an important perspective on the growing importance of alternative capital providers in order to address the current financial gap in the upstream oil and gas sector.

It was great to get together with energy leaders from all over the world for an incredibly interesting and engaging event.

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